Email Settings

This article is intended for advanced users and our partners as it requires advanced web development or Salesforce admin or programming knowledge. While the functionality is part of StoreConnect, we do not provide end user assistance to implement it beyond our help documentation. If you need help or are unsure on how to do this, you can hire one of our StoreConnect partners.

This is used to define email notification templates sent to clients.

See also Transactional Emails for more information.

In most instances you may not want to change the default templates. It is recommended an experienced administrator change or edit email templates.


Email Settings Details

Email Settings

You should add a reply email address. This can be or a [reply] depending on your offered level of support to your clients. The [reply] address could be or some other address where a client would be able to reach out to a support person.

Email Address Confirmation Template optional

Set your email templates to something other than the StoreConnect default templates.

Reset Password Email Template optional

Set your email templates to something other than the StoreConnect default templates.

Basic Configuration of the StoreConnect Config App
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