Transactional Emails

This article is intended for advanced users and our partners as it requires advanced web development or Salesforce admin or programming knowledge. While the functionality is part of StoreConnect, we do not provide end user assistance to implement it beyond our help documentation. If you need help or are unsure on how to do this, you can hire one of our StoreConnect partners.

StoreConnect comes with a powerful Transactional Email system allowing you to customise the various emails sent from the platform.

Transactional Emails are routine emails sent to confirm when an action takes place. In this case, when a client places an order through your StoreConnect ecommerce platform, a number of emails will be sent at different stages of the order process: Order Payment Success, Order Shipped, Order Fulfilled, and so on.

See also Email Settings for more information.

How it works

Every Transactional Email is sent via your Salesforce Org1 using Classic Email Templates > Visualforce Email Templates within Salesforce. While StoreConnect chooses Visualforce Email Templates for their flexibility it remains true that any Classic Email Template can be used in their place.

Note: Classic Email Templates is a Salesforce feature and any template customisations should be done by a qualified Salesforce Administrator2 or Developer.

“Order” Object Reliance

Transactional Emails can be configured to trigger based on the the value of three fields in the standard Order object3.

See Order Object Reference for more information.

  1. The Order.Checkout_Step__c field
  2. The Order.Abandoned__c field
  3. The Order.Status field

The “Order.Checkout_Step__c” field

Upon installation, StoreConnect creates a custom field in the standard Order object called, “Checkout Step” Order.Checkout_Step__c which always have one of the following values:

The “Order.Abandoned__c” field

StoreConnect also includes on the standard Order object, an “Abandoned” Order.Abandoned__c checkbox which is FALSE by default. This is used to indicate the cart has been abandoned after 10 hours of inactivity.

An Order that has the “Checkout Step” of failed and “Abandoned” is TRUE indicates that the payment failed and the customer did not try again within 10 hours of failing.

The “Order.Status” field

StoreConnect also integrates with the Standard “Status” field on the Order object.

The default Salesforce setup has two statuses for an order, Draft and Activated.

Clients generally use:

  1. Draft
  2. Verified
  3. Back Order
  4. Picking
  5. Picked
  6. Shipped
  7. Fulfilled
  8. Cancelled


As the Order object progresses through its various stages a -syncing suffix may be apparent.

For example, complete-syncing indicates that the record has not fully been synchronised from the StoreConnect eCommerce site.

Transactional Email Templates and Triggers

Our system includes 11 different default Transactional Emails for the Order object as defined below:

Transactional Email Name Checkout Step Abandoned? Order Status
Order Abandoned Open open TRUE Draft
Order Abandoned Customer customer TRUE Draft
Order Abandoned Shipping shipping TRUE Draft
Order Abandoned Pre Payment payment TRUE Draft
Order Abandoned Failed failed TRUE Draft
Order Payment Success complete FALSE Draft
Order Picking complete FALSE Picking
Order Picked complete FALSE Picked
Order Backorder complete FALSE Back Order
Order Shipped complete FALSE Shipped
Order Fulfilled complete FALSE Fulfilled

Changing the Transactional Email triggers

Transactional Emails are triggered by the changing states of the order. These triggers are defined in the Transactional Emails Related List for each store.

Video guide

This video will guide you through changing the triggers for each transactional email.

Transactional Email Templates

Each transactional email has a Classic Email Template you can edit to fit your branding and store.

We include the following templates in the StoreConnect package:

Transactional Email Name Template Name
Order Abandoned Open TEMPLATE_Order_Abandoned_Open
Order Abandoned Customer TEMPLATE_Order_Abandoned_Customer
Order Abandoned Shipping TEMPLATE_Order_Abandoned_Shipping
Order Abandoned Pre Payment TEMPLATE_Order_Abandoned_Prepayment
Order Abandoned Failed TEMPLATE_Order_Abandoned_Pay_Failed
Order Payment Success TEMPLATE_Order_Payment_Success
Order Picking TEMPLATE_Order_Picking
Order Picked TEMPLATE_Order_Picked
Order Backorder TEMPLATE_Order_Backorder
Order Shipped TEMPLATE_Order_Shipped
Order Fulfilled TEMPLATE_Order_Fulfilled

Whenever an Order changes status it will search the Transactional Emails related list of your store; send an email that matches the orders Checkout Step, Abandoned and Order Status fields to the orders contactCheckout Email; and finally, send all emails that match passing the Order and Contact record to the Classic Email template.

Video guide

This video will guide you through locating the transactional email templates within Salesforce.

Note: Classic Email Templates is a Salesforce feature and any template customisations should be done by a qualified Salesforce Administrator or Developer.

Prevent Transactional Emails being sent for an Order

  1. Go to the Order Item
  2. Go to Newor select the Order from the list.
  3. Untick the “Send Confirmation Emails” checkbox.

This will prevent future email notifications from being sent for the order.



  1. Salesforce Org: The virtual space provided to an individual customer of Salesforce. It includes all of your data, records, etc and applications. A Salesforce Org, or “Org” for short is an abbreviation of “organisation”. 

  2. Administrator: Someone who manages something. For example, a Salesforce Administrator would be the person responsible for managing and configuring a Salesforce Org. 

  3. Object: In Salesforce, an object is another name for a database table. A database table is essentially a spreadsheet where fields exist as columns and records as rows. Complete the “Understand Custom & Standard Objects” Trailhead to understand more about Objects. 


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