Order Object Reference

Name Order
Type Standard Salesforce Object
Description StoreConnect uses the standard Salesforce Order object

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Abandoned__c Checkbox(false) No No
The Abandoned__c field is set to true by StoreConnect if the order has a `Checkout_Step__c` of 'customer', 'shipping', 'terms_and_conditions', 'payment', 'failed' and 10 hours have passed since it was set.
s_c__Assisted_By_User_Id__c Lookup (User) No No
If the shopper selects a user from the "Were you assisted to make this purchase?" drop down during the last stage of checkout, then this field will be populated by the related User ID
s_c__Browser__c Text No No
Shows the browser used by the customer.
s_c__Cart_Reference__c TextArea No No
Used to link a web store Checkout session to its resulting Order.
s_c__Checkout_Email__c Email No No
Email added by the user at the point of checkout. In order transactional emails, this email is used. If empty, contact email is used
s_c__Checkout_Phone__c Phone No No
Phone added by the user at the point of checkout
s_c__Checkout_Shipping_Email__c Email No No
Shipping Email (of recipient) added by user at the point of checkout. Sometimes this is different from ShipToContact's email.
s_c__Checkout_Shipping_Phone__c Phone No No
Phone number (of recipient) added by user at the point of checkout. Sometimes this is different from ShipToContact's phone.
s_c__Checkout_Step__c Text No No
The `Checkout_Step__c` field shows the step at which the checkout is up to. Valid values for this field are 'open', 'customer', 'shipping', 'terms_and_conditions', 'payment', 'complete', 'quotation_requested' and 'failed'. Each stage represents the step the order is up to, so a order in state 'payment' means the customer is at (but not complete) on the payment step of the checkout process.
s_c__Collection_Point_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Collection_Point__c) No No
If the shopper picks up this order from a collection point, then that collection point will be referenced here.
s_c__Collection_Time__c DateTime No No
The time the customer requested to pickup the item during checkout
s_c__Contact_Email__c Formula No No
This is a forumula field mirroring the `BillToContact.Email` field to be used in the Order Layout.
s_c__Contact_Id__c Lookup (Contact) No No
The standard Contact object that this order belongs to.
s_c__Contact_Mobile_Phone__c Formula No No
This is a forumula field mirroring the `BillToContact.MobilePhone` field to be used in the Order Layout.
s_c__Contact_Phone__c Formula No No
This is a forumula field mirroring the `BillToContact.Phone` field to be used in the Order Layout.
s_c__Country__c Text No No
Shows country of the customer.
s_c__Customer_Notes_Long__c LongTextArea No No
Holds any notes supplied by the customer during checkout on the payment page of the checkout process.
s_c__Customer_Notes__c Text No No
[DEPRECATED] Use Customer_Notes_Long__c instead
s_c__Device_Type__c Text No No
Shows the device type used by the customer, eg Desktop/Mobile/Tablet.
s_c__Ip_Address__c Text No No
Shows the IP Address of the customer.
s_c__Language__c Text No No
Shows the system language of the customer.
s_c__Location__c Location(7) No No
Shows the latitude and longitude of the customer.
s_c__POS_Order_Type__c Text No No
The type of this Order, for example Layby.
s_c__Payment_Link__c Formula No No
Formula field providing a full link to the payment page for this Order.
s_c__Platform__c Text No No
Shows the computer platform of the customer, eg Mac/Windows.
s_c__Register_Shift_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Register_Shift__c) No No
The Register Shift that created this order (if applicable).
s_c__Screen_Resolution__c Text No No
Shows the screen resolution of the computer used by the customer.
s_c__Send_Confirmation__c Checkbox(true) No No
If true, send emails to the contact about this order as defined in the `Store__c.Transactional_Emails` association.
s_c__Send_POS_Email__c Checkbox(false) No No
If true, send a POS receipt email to the checkout email address as defined in the `Store__c.Transactional_Emails` association.
s_c__Shipping_Cost__c Currency(18, 2) No No
[DEPRECATED] Shipping cost can be calculated by summing the related `Shipment__c.Cost__c` or `Shipment__c.Charge__c` records
s_c__Shipping_Method__c Text No No
The shipping method selected by the customer during checkout.
s_c__Shipping_Notes__c LongTextArea No No
Holds any shipping notes supplied by the customer during checkout.
s_c__Store_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Store__c) No No
This represents the `Store__c` that this order was placed on. This also defines which set of Transactional Emails are sent to this order based on the `Store__c.Transactional_Emails` relationship.
s_c__Submitted_Date__c DateTime No No
Contains the date when the order is created. Defaults to date/time now. Can be updated in case it needs to be altered.
s_c__Subscription_Order_Id__c Lookup (Order) No No
The original Order that is the source of this Order. When a subscription is renewed, it creates a new order object, which is then related back to the original subscription via this field.
s_c__Test_Order__c Checkbox(false) No No
A true value indicates that this order was placed as a Test Order. An order is a test order if the email address used during the order matches one of the test email address set via the `test_checkout_email_addresses` Store Variable. There should be a limited number of these.
s_c__Timezone__c Text No No
Shows the timezone of the customer.
s_c__Total_Earn_Points_Amount__c Number(18, 0) No No
The total number of points earned with this Order.
s_c__Total_Points_Amount__c Number(18, 0) No No
The total number of points used for purchasing this Order.
s_c__Total_Tax_Amount__c Currency(18, 2) No No
The total taxes billed as part of this order, kept up to date as the order is changed.
s_c__Total_Taxes__c Number(18, 2) No No
[Deprecated] Use Total_Tax_Amount__c instead
s_c__User_Agent__c Text No No
Shows the customer's browser user agent string.
s_c__sC_Id__c Text [External ID] No Yes
StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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