
Pricing is where you designate the Price Book1 your StoreConnect site will refer to when displaying the price of products to customers online.

Understanding the power of Price Books will help you make the most of your StoreConnect / Salesforce platform.

You can complete this Trailhead to learn more about Price Books.


Pricing Details


Price Book required

Existing Salesforce Org clients may have an existing Price Book in place. In this case, you may want to use that for your StoreConnect Pricing. Otherwise, you can create a new Price Book here.

New Salesforce Org clients should create a new Price Book here.

You must first create or have an existing Price Book in place to create, or sell Products online through StoreConnect.

Follow the prompts to create your first Price Book.

Pay by Account Enabled? optional

StoreConnect offers a “Pay by Account” option built-in to its platform by default. This is ideal for wholesalers who sell by account only.

It is possible to create multiple stores; one for wholesale offering payments-by-account, and the other retail using checkout-payments.

Set your currency here. All payments and dollar values will revert to this currency as your default.

Enable Quotations? optional

Again, perfect for wholesalers but can be used for retailers who want to offer this to their clients. Quotations are ideal for larger dollar value purchases/items such as furniture, motor vehicles, real estate, import/export, or construction projects.

These are the terms and conditions the purchaser will be required to accept at the checkout.

Indicate whether your prices are inclusive or exclusive of taxes.

Basic Configuration of the StoreConnect Config App
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  1. Price book: A “price book” is best explained as a catalogue price. A business selling widgets may have different catalogues depending on the client-base. For instance, you could have three catalogues: 1) a wholesale, 2) retail and 3) online. Each of these catalogues, or Price Books, may have different prices for the same product depending on the client-base. Price books are inherent within Salesforce. See Product Pricing for more information. 


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