Preparing to Launch your Store

Going live with the your web store consists of 5 separate checklists to cover the entire process and can be customised to match up to your specific store.

In order, there are 5 separate checklists that will be run to get you live and cut over from an existing store:

Each of these steps gets you closer to a live store and gives you the opportunity to fix any issues as they come up.

Early in Project

Pre-Dry-run Checklist

A pre dry run Production configuration checklist will be completed by your StoreConnect team. Once done, the following should be checked by you during the run up to your Dry Run so that any major issues can be fixed.

Functionality Check

Domain Name System

Dry-run Checklist

The Dry-Run Checklist is done by the Store owner with the assistance of the StoreConnect team at least 2 days before go-live and is used to make sure access is available for all required systems and no red flags are encountered.

Switch to Production Settings



Dry Run Functionality Check

Go-Live Cut-Over Checklist

The Go-Live Cut-Over Checklist is completed by the Store owner with assistance of your StoreConnect support team to ensure all the points are done correctly.

Domain switch


For each Store:

Allow a few minutes for the data to sync.

Hosting & DNS

For each domain being used:

DNS Propagation

It can take 15 mins or so for the DNS to propagate around the internet. Some locations and browsers will be faster to pick up the change than others. Check from as many locations as you can: work, home, mobile, overseas (if you have staff there), and from each major browser, in Private mode if you can, to ensure that the DNS is propagated correctly. Once that has been confirmed, you can perform the Go-Live Functionality Check.

Go-live Functionality Checklist

Once the store has had its production settings all setup and your domain name has been re-pointed to your store, the following checks should be done minimally to ensure your store is operating on the new address correctly.

Optional if installed:


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