Subscription - Liquid Object Reference - 1.0.0

Object Name Subscription
Version 1.0.0


The Subscription object represents a subscription order for a customer.


Attribute Type Description
can_update_payment_source? Boolean Returns true if the customer is allowed to update Subscription’s payment details
cancellable? Boolean Returns true if the customer is allowed to cancel this Subscription
cancelled_date Timestamp Returns the date this Subscription was cancelled
contact Contact Returns the Contact associated with this Subscription
data Object Returns a custom data object for this object
end_date Timestamp Returns the date this Subscription was cancelled
id String Returns the unique id for this Subscription
next_due_date Timestamp Returns the date this Subscription is next due to be charged
order Order Returns the Order associated with this Subscription
path String Returns the url path for this Subscription
payment_method String Returns the payment method used for this Subscription
payment_provider PaymentProvider Returns the PaymentProvider associated with this Subscription
payment_source_expires_at Timestamp Returns the date this Subscription’s payment source is due to expire - this is normally the associated credit card expiry
payment_source_identifier String Returns the identiifer for this Subscription payment source
payments PaginatedList[Payment] Returns a list of Payments for this Subscription
price Number Returns the price of this Subscription
product Product Returns the Product associated with this Subscription
renewal_date Timestamp Returns the date this Subscription is due to renew
start_date Timestamp Returns the date this Subscription began
status String Returns the current status of this Subscription
suspended_date Timestamp Returns the date this Subscription was suspended
url String Returns the complete url for this Subscription

Objects that return Subscriptions

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