Payment - Liquid Object Reference - 1.0.0

Object Name Payment
Version 1.0.0


The Payment object represents a payment made for an Order.


Attribute Type Description
account_credit_path String Returns the url path to the AccountCredit used for this Payment (if any)
amount Number Returns the payment amount
currency_code String Returns the currency code for this Payment
data Object Returns a custom data object for this object
description String Returns the a description of the payment method used
id String Returns the unique id for this Payment
instructions_content String Returns the value of the Instructions attribute as rich text
invoice_reference String Returns the invoice reference number for this Payment
invoice_url String Returns the a url to the invoice for this Payment
order Order Returns the Order that this Payment belongs to
paid_at Timestamp Returns timestamp of this Payment
points_amount Number Returns the points payment amount
status String Returns the status of this Payment
transaction_number String Returns a transaction reference number for this Payment

Objects that return Payments

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