MenuItem - Liquid Object Reference - 1.0.0

Object Name MenuItem
Version 1.0.0


A MenuItem represents a link in a Menu. It can be a simple label with a link, or it might link to one of the following objects:

MenuItems may contain child MenuItems.


Attribute Type Description
article Article Returns the Article linked to this MenuItem
article_category ArticleCategory Returns the ArticleCategory linked to this MenuItem
child_categories List[ArticleCategory, Page, ProductCategory] Returns a list of child categories for the linked object. Only relevant when linked_type is one of: article_category, page, product_category
child_category_levels Number Returns the number of levels to show for child categories
data Object Returns a custom data object for this object
id String Returns the unique id for this MenuItem
identifier String Returns the value of the Identifier attribute
image Image Returns the Image for to this MenuItem
link_label String Returns the label for the link, based on its type and linked object (if any)
link_target String Returns the target url or path for the link, based on its type and linked object (if any)
link_type String Returns the type of link this is. It will be one of: article, article_category, page, product, product_category, link
menu_items List[MenuItem] Returns a list of MenuItems belonging to this MenuItem
page Page Returns the Page linked to this MenuItem
product Product Returns the Product linked to this MenuItem
product_category ProductCategory Returns the ProductCategory linked to this MenuItem
style_classes String Returns the CSS classes that should be added for this MenuItem

Objects that return MenuItems

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