Page - Liquid Object Reference - 0.11.5

Object Name Page
Version 0.11.5


The Page object represents a CMS page for the Store.


Attribute Type Description
base_path String Returns the value of the Path attribute, without the Store path
body_content String Returns the value of the Body attribute as rich text
children List[Page] Returns a list of child Pages
content String Returns the value of the Content attribute as rich text
content_blocks List[ContentBlock] Returns list of ContentBlocks belonging to this Page
home_page? Boolean Returns true if this Page is the Store’s home page
id String Returns the unique id for this Page
identifier String Returns the value of the Identifier attribute
meta_description String Returns the value of the Meta Description attribute
meta_keywords String Returns the value of the Meta Keywords attribute
meta_title String Returns the value of the Meta Title attribute
name String Returns the value of the Name attribute
navigation_children List[Page] Returns a list of child Pages that are enabled to appear in navigation menus
parent_page Page Returns this Page’s parent Page
path String Returns the url path for this Page
related_pages List[Page] Returns a list of related Pages
root_page Page Returns this Page’s top-most parent Page
social_image Image Returns the image to be used when sharing this Page
subtitle String Returns the value of the Subtitle attribute
title String Returns the value of the Title attribute
url String Returns the complete url for this Page

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