Article - Liquid Object Reference - 0.11.5

Object Name Article
Version 0.11.5


The Article object contains information about a specific Article that can be viewed on the Store.


Attribute Type Description
author String Returns the value of the Author attribute
body_content String Returns the value of the Body attribute as rich text
canonical_url String Returns the complete canonical url for this Article
content_blocks List[ContentBlock] Returns a list of Content Blocks associated with this Article
hero_image Image Returns the Hero Image
id String Returns the unique id for this Account
identifier String Returns the value of the Identifier attribute
introduction_content String Returns the value of the Introduction attribute as rich text
meta_description String Returns the value of the Meta Description attribute
meta_keywords String Returns the value of the Meta Keywords attribute
meta_title String Returns the value of the Meta Title attribute
path String Returns the url path for this Article
publish_on Timestamp Returns the timestamp of when this Article was published
related_articles List[Article] Returns a list of related Articles
social_image Image Returns the image to be used when sharing this Article
subtitle String Returns the value of the Subtitle attribute
summary_content String Returns the value of the Summary attribute as rich text
title String Returns the value of the Title attribute
url String Returns the complete url for this Article

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