Product - Liquid Object Reference - 0.10.11

Object Name Product
Version 0.10.11


The Product object contains information about a product that the Store sells.


Attribute Type Description
add_to_cart_text String Returns the text to show on the ‘Add to Cart’ button
barcode String Returns the value of the Barcode attribute
bookable? Boolean Indicates whether the Product is a bookable Product
brand Brand Returns the Brand of this Product
buy_it_now_text String Returns the text to show on the ‘Buy it Now’ button
can_add_to_cart? Boolean Indicates whether the Product can be added to the Cart
can_pickup? Boolean Indicates whether the Product is enabled for pickup, ie Click and Collect
can_purchase? Boolean Indicates whether the Product can be purchased. Accounts for stock levels, discontinued products, and general availability
can_request_quote? Boolean Indicates whether the Product can be included in a quote request (if enabled on the Store)
can_select_quantity? Boolean Indicates whether the quantity can be set by the customer. If false, it means the quantity is predefined and cannot be set by customer.
categories List[ProductCategory] Returns a list of ProductCategories this Product belongs to
condition String Returns the value of the Condition attribute
content_blocks List[ContentBlock] Returns a list of ContentBlocks belonging to this Product
discontinued? Boolean Indicates whether this Product has been discontinued
documents List[Document] Returns a list of Documents belonging to this Product
id String Returns the unique id for this Product
identifier String Returns the value of the Identifier attribute
image Image Returns the main image for this Product
images List[Image] Returns a list of Images for this Product
location_groups List[LocationGroup] Returns a list of LocationGroups for this Product
maximum_quantity Number Returns the maximum quantity of this Product that can purchased in a single Order
name String Returns the value of the Name attribute
path String Returns the url path for this Product
pricing ProductPricing Returns the Pricing object for this Product
product_code String Returns the value of the Product Code attribute
related_products List[Product] Returns a list of Related Products
slug String Returns the value of the Slug attribute
supplier_code String Returns the value of the Suplier Code attribute
tags List[Tag] Returns a list of Tags for this Product
unavailable_text String Returns the text to display when the Product is unavailable
upc String Returns the value of the UPC attribute
url String Returns the complete url for this Product


Attribute Type Description
bundle_lead? Boolean Indicates whether this Product is the lead product in a bundle
product_features List[ProductFeature] Returns a list of any ProductFeatures for this Product

Restricted Products

Some attributes related to Restricted Products

Attribute Type Description
approval_status String Returns the approval status of the current customer for this Product. One of: approved, completed, expired, pending, or none.
current_approved_quantity Number The maximum quantity of this Product that the current customer is allowed to purchase. If this Product is not restricted, this value will be blank.
pending_approval_date Timestamp Returns the date that this customer’s approval starts. If they have no pending approval, this value will be blank.
restricted? Boolean Returns true if this Product is restricted.
restricted_text String Returns the text to show to indicate this Product is restricted

Rich Content Sections

Attribute Type Description
downloads_content String Returns the content of the Downloads section as rich text
downloads_label String Returns the label to use for the Downloads section
features_content String Returns the content of the Features section as rich text
features_label String Returns the label to use for the Features section
specifications_content String Returns the content of the Specifications section as rich text
specifications_label String Returns the label to use for the Specifications section
summary_content String Returns the content of the Summary section as rich text
support_content String Returns the content of the Support section as rich text
support_label String Returns the label to use for the Support section
warranty_content String Returns the content of the Warranty section as rich text
warranty_label String Returns the label to use for the Warranty section


These are some attributes that are useful for SEO purposes

Attribute Type Description
meta_description String Returns the value of the Meta Description attribute
meta_keywords String Returns the value of the Meta Keywords attribute
meta_title String Returns the value of the Meta Title attribute
social_image Image Returns the image to be used when sharing this Product


If the Store is enabled for Shipping, Products that can ship will have been assigned to one of the Store’s shipping methods

Attribute Type Description
can_ship? Boolean Indicates whether the Product is able to be shipped via one of the Store’s shipping methods
shipping_methods List[String] Returns a list of shipping methods that are available for this Product


Attribute Type Description
out_of_stock_text String Returns the text to display when the Product is out of stock
total_available_to_sell Number Returns the total quantity of this Product available to sell
track_inventory? Boolean Indicates whether this Product tracks stock or not. If true, it means it is possible for this Product to be out of stock


Attribute Type Description
fixed_term_subscription? Boolean Indicates whether the subscription is a fixed-term subscription
subscription? Boolean Indicates whether this Product is purchaseable as a subscription


Attribute Type Description
trait_groups List[TraitGroup] Returns a list of TraitGroups for this Product
traits List[Trait] Returns a list of Traits for this Product


Attribute Type Description
master Product Returns the master Product for this Product if there is one
master? Boolean Indicates whether this Product is a master Product
variant? Boolean Indicates whether this Product is a variant
variant_choices List[VariantChoice] Returns a list of VariantChoices for this variant Product
variant_title String Returns the value of the Variant Title attribute
variant_types List[VariantType] Returns a list of VariantTypes for this Product
variants List[Product] Returns a list of variant Products for which this Product is the master

Objects that return Products

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