
For stores with Shipping configured, each order will have a shipping product added after checkout that specifies the type and cost of shipping for that order. This is generated using the StoreConnect Shipping product which lives in your Products Object. Do not edit or delete this product as it is required for this purpose.

When an Order is created by StoreConnect a shipment record is automatically created for the order (unless the order is for Click & Collect). Each Order Product (except shipping) is related to this shipment record via a lookup field. If you have multiple Stock Locations and the order contains products from more than one location, a shipment record is created for each location needed and each product is added to the relevant shipment record.

As the order progresses to being ready to ship, you can use the State field to set and track its status. If using a shipping provider this field will lodge the shipment through their API when set to Ready to ship.

Splitting Shipments

You may need to split the order up into two or more shipments because some items are on backorder and will be shipped later or perhaps your client has requested half the order be shipped by air and the rest by road, but whatever the reason, you can achieve this from the order record.

From the Shipment Related List:

  1. Click ‘New’
  2. Add the shipping details
  3. Take note of the Shipment Number
  4. Go to the original shipment record for the order
  5. In its related tab, find an item that you want to move to the new shipment
  6. Click ‘Edit’ from the small dropdown menu on the related list
  7. Use the new Shipment Number to change the shipment
  8. Click ‘Save’
  9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 as needed

Manual Entry of Orders and Shipping

If adding the order manually in Salesforce, the shipping record is not automatically created, nor are the order products added to a shipment. These will need to be done manually also. The process is much the same as splitting a shipment, but you would access the order items from the Order Product related list instead.


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