Sitemap File

StoreConnect provides a Sitemap file automatically via an automatically generated XML file which is regenerated daily. To make your sitemap1 active you only need to ensure your articles, pages, products and product categories meet the necessary prerequisites below to be included.

Your store’s sitemap is available at all times via If you are running multiple stores within StoreConnect, each store will have it’s own, unique sitemap.


To have a page show up in the sitemap feed, the following must be true of each page:

  1. It must be published
  2. It must not be hidden
  3. It must not be restricted to members only

To have an article show up in the sitemap feed, the following must be true of each article:

  1. It must be published
  2. It must not be restricted to members only

To have a product show up in the sitemap feed, the following must be true of each product:

  1. It must be active
  2. It must not be deleted
  3. It must have an available on date in the past or be discontinued
  4. It must belong to a product category within your store taxonomy

To have a product category show up in the sitemap feed, the following must be true of each product category:

  1. It must not be hidden
  2. It must belong to your store taxonomy

Once the requirements have been met, the page, article, product or product category will show up the next day in your /sitemap.xml file on your store site.

What is the sitemap.xml file?

This is a file StoreConnect automatically generates once a day and is accessible via the below URL. When downloading, use your browser’s ‘Private Mode’ to ensure you get the most current version otherwise you could be downloading an older version from your cache.

Note, each store will have it’s own separate sitemap file.

This file is used by search engines to determine what pages should be indexed in your site.

The sitemap generated looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">



  1. Sitemap: A ‘sitemap’ is a file where you provide information about the pages, videos, and other files on your site, and the relationships between them. Search engines like Google read this file to crawl your site more efficiently. 


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