Page Layouts and Profiles

This article is intended for advanced users and our partners as it requires advanced web development or Salesforce admin or programming knowledge. While the functionality is part of StoreConnect, we do not provide end user assistance to implement it beyond our help documentation. If you need help or are unsure on how to do this, you can hire one of our StoreConnect partners.

StoreConnect follows the same visibility rules as Salesforce and so allows you to configure your visibility and security just how you would with any Salesforce objects and fields. This also means you could give users access to StoreConnect page layouts by editing Page Layout Assignments on each object. If you don’t want to use the out-of-the box page layouts, you can add StoreConnect fields and related lists to your existing page layouts.

Once you have the needed fields on your page layouts and those page layouts are assigned to the correct profiles, you will also need to ensure your users have the correct permissions needed to view and edit those fields. This can be done by adding access to the needed fields to the relevant profiles or assigning permission sets to the relevant users.

StoreConnect comes with four permission sets that you can use or clone and modify. The permission sets don’t include access to Standard objects like Products and Orders so you may need to add these if you users don’t already have access to those.

Out-of-the-Box Permission Sets:

StoreConnect Content Manager
Gives users access to all CMS objects like Pages, Articles, Content Blocks etc. and also the Membership object.

StoreConnect Order Manager
Gives users access to objects like Payments, Shipments, Discounts, Stock Transfers and read access to many related objects.

StoreConnect Administrator
Gives users access to all of the above objects plus all StoreConnect configuration objects, including fields and objects related to the Products object.

StoreConnect Sync User
This Permission set is only added to the user that the StoreConnect app uses to sync with Salesforce.

If your users do not already have access to the standard objects used by StoreConnect, you will also need to assign them the permissions they need for those objects.

Helpful Resources to help with Page layouts, Profiles and Permission Sets

Customize Record Details with Page Layouts

Control Access to Objects

Control Access to Fields

View and edit field-level security settings.


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