s_c__Tax_Provider__c Object Reference

Name s_c__Tax_Provider__c
Type Custom StoreConnect Object
Description Configures a Tax provider to be offered as part of the checkout process. Mainly contains the necessary credentials for the provider's API.

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Active__c Checkbox(true) No No
Enable/disable tax calculation for this tax provider service.
s_c__Api_Key__c Text No No
The API key for the Tax provider's API that you will have received from the Tax provider. This is the public part of your credentials, akin to a username. It may also be referred to as a "Client ID" or simply a "key". This should not be confused with the "secret" or "private" key.
s_c__Api_Mode__c Text No No
The mode of the Tax provider's API to use. This is determined by the terminology of the API in question, and will likely be a word similar to the following: "test", "sandbox", "live", etc.
s_c__Api_Secret__c Text No No
The API secret key for the Tax provider's API that you will have received from the Tax provider. This is the private/secret part of your credentials, and could also be referred to as a "Password" or "Private Key".
s_c__Block_Transactions_Markdown__c LongTextArea No No
Displays a message when transactions are blocked for this tax provider. Use Markdown to format your text. Find out more at https://help.getstoreconnect.com/documentation/how-to-use-markdown.
s_c__Block_Transactions_When_Offline__c Checkbox(false) No No
When set to true, prevents transactions from completing when the third party service is unavailable
s_c__Company_Code__c Text No No
Defines company code for this tax provider.
s_c__Configuration_Options__c LongTextArea No No
This allows you to provide other options that are required for this API connection to work. The required format of this field depends on the Tax provider being used.
s_c__Default_Freight_Tax_Code__c Text No No
Default tax code to be applied to shipping line items
s_c__Provider__c Picklist No No
Tax provider, e.g. Avalara etc.
s_c__Ship_From_Address_Line_1__c Text No No
Defines the Line 1 component of this tax providers's Ship From Address. This field in conjunction with the other address elements is used as a fallback address if a Stock Location Address is not found.
s_c__Ship_From_Address_Line_2__c Text No No
Defines the Line 2 component of this tax providers's Ship From Address. This field in conjunction with the other address elements is used as a fallback address if a Stock Location Address is not found.
s_c__Ship_From_City__c Text No No
Defines the City component of this tax providers's Ship From Address. This field in conjunction with the other address elements is used as a fallback address if a Stock Location Address is not found.
s_c__Ship_From_Country__c Text No No
Defines the Country component of this tax provider's Ship From Address. This field in conjunction with the other address elements is used as a fallback address if a Stock Location Address is not found.
s_c__Ship_From_State__c Text No No
Defines the State component of this tax provider's Ship From Address. This field in conjunction with the other address elements is used as a fallback address if a Stock Location Address is not found.
s_c__Ship_From_Zip_Postal_Code__c Text No No
Defines the Zip/Postal Code component of this tax provider's Ship From Address. This field in conjunction with the other address elements is used as a fallback address if a Stock Location Address is not found.

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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