s_c__Store_Campaign__c Object Reference

Name s_c__Store_Campaign__c
Type Custom StoreConnect Object
Description Store Campaigns are a junction object between Stores and Campaigns. During the checkout process the customer is asked to sign up to all the Store Campaign objects present and is shown a checkbox for each.

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Campaign_Id__c Lookup (Campaign) Yes No
The campaign which this asociaton belongs to
s_c__Information_Markdown__c LongTextArea No No
Information to show the customer when signing up to this campaign, for example linking to privacy policy etc. Use Markdown or HTML to format your text. Find out more at https://help.getstoreconnect.com/documentation/how-to-use-markdown.
s_c__Opt_In_Text__c Text No No
The name of this campaign shown to the customer for them to sign up to.
s_c__Preselect_Opt_In__c Checkbox(false) No No
If true, then the checkbox to sign up to the campaign will be preselected. Note, this must be false to comply with EU Regulations on a marketing email campaign.
s_c__Store_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Store__c) Yes No
The store which this asociaton belongs to
s_c__sC_Id__c Text [External ID] No Yes
StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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