s_c__Stock_Transfer_Item__c Object Reference

Name s_c__Stock_Transfer_Item__c
Type Custom StoreConnect Object
Description Contains the quantity to be transferred or received for each product in a given Stock_Transfer__c.

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Product_Id__c Lookup (Product2) No No
Product being transferred or received.
s_c__Quantity_Received__c Number(18, 0) No No
Amount of products received and accepted from origin (Stock_Transfer__c.Origin_Id__c) to destination (Stock_Transfer__c.Destination_Id__c). The quantity received cannot be greater than the quantity sent.
s_c__Quantity_Sent__c Number(18, 0) Yes No
Amount of products sent from origin (Stock_Transfer__c.Origin_Id__c) to destination (Stock_Transfer__c.Destination_Id__c).
s_c__Stock_Transfer_Id__c MasterDetail (s_c__Stock_Transfer__c) No No
Stock_Transfer__c from which the item belongs to.
s_c__sC_Id__c Text [External ID] No Yes
StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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