s_c__Shipping_Rate__c Object Reference

Name s_c__Shipping_Rate__c
Type Custom StoreConnect Object
Description Holds the information relating to flat rate shipping rates defined in the system for orders. Can be based on cart weight or value and can be further restricted to specific Zone__c records.

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Cost__c Currency(18, 2) Yes No
The base cost of the shipping rate. This added to the Unit Cost by Unit Quantity (if present) will be the final cost shown to the customer during checkout for this Shipping Rate.
s_c__Display_Name__c Text No No
The name of this shipping rate displayed to the customer, defaults to showing the name if this field is blank.
s_c__Instructions_Markdown__c LongTextArea No No
(Optional) Instruction to show on the checkout shipping selection page when this shipping rate is an option. Use Markdown or HTML to format your text. Find out more at https://help.getstoreconnect.com/documentation/how-to-use-markdown.
s_c__Method__c Picklist Yes No
The method of this shipping rate, used in relation to the shipping method picklist on each product. This list and the Product2 Shipping Method picklists are not kept in synchronisation so this is changed, the Product2.Shipping_Method__c field should be modified to be the same.
s_c__Order_Price_Maximum__c Currency(18, 2) No No
The upper bound of the range of the order total amount for which this record applies, e.g. when setting a shipping rate of $10 for orders between $100 and $200, this field would be $200. For an open-ended range, leave blank.
s_c__Order_Price_Minimum__c Currency(18, 2) No No
The lower bound of the range of the order total amount for which this record applies, e.g. when setting a shipping rate of $10 for orders between $100 and $200, this field would be $100.
s_c__Order_Total_Range_Type__c Picklist Yes No
Specifies whether this custom shipping rate record should apply to a cart/ order by price or weight.
s_c__Order_Total_Range_Unit__c Picklist Yes No
Specifies the unit used for the Order Total Range Minimum and Maximum.
s_c__Order_Weight_Maximum__c Number(18, 2) No No
The upper bound of the range of the order total weight for which this record applies, e.g. when setting a shipping rate of $10 for orders between 100 kilograms and 200 kilograms, this field would be 200. For an open-ended range, leave blank.
s_c__Order_Weight_Minimum__c Number(18, 2) No No
The lower bound of the range of the order total weight for which this record applies, e.g. when setting a shipping rate of $10 for orders between 100 kilograms and 200 kilograms, this field would be 100.
s_c__Store_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Store__c) Yes No
The store that this shipping rate belongs to.
s_c__Unit_Cost_Amount__c Currency(10, 5) No No
Additional per unit cost of the shipping. For example, $0.50 per kilogram. This is multiplied by the Unit_Quanitity__c to get the additional charge to add to the cost. Only used if Unit_Quantity__c is also present.
s_c__Unit_Cost__c Number(13, 5) No No
[Deprecated] Use Unit_Cost_Amount__c
s_c__Unit_Quantity__c Number(13, 5) No No
The unit quantity used to calculate additional shipping charges with Unit_Cost_Amount__c. For example, 1 for one kilogram would be multiplied by the unit cost to get the additional charge to add to the cost. Only used if Unit_Cost__c is also present.
s_c__Zone_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Zone__c) Yes No
The geographic zone that this record relates to. A Zone can be related to one or more countries, states, or postcodes, to, for example, refer to a single country, a collection of states, or a metropolitan area within a city.
s_c__sC_Id__c Text [External ID] No Yes
StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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