s_c__Promotion_Scope__c Object Reference

Name s_c__Promotion_Scope__c
Type Custom StoreConnect Object
Description The optional scope to limit this promotion by. Can be by account, contact, product, product category, brand or membership. The Product in promotion scope can also be used for the buy one get one free promotion action type. Multiple scopes are supported

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Account_Id__c Lookup (Account) No No
What account is eligible to use this promotion.
s_c__Brand_Id__c Lookup (Account) No No
The brand that is included in this promotion. Brands are a special type of Account where Account.Supplier__c equals true and can also be associated with products.
s_c__Category_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Product_Category__c) No No
The product category whose products this promotion can be used with. If the product category selected is a top-level category, all its subcategories are included in this promotion.
s_c__Contact_Id__c Lookup (Contact) No No
The contact that can apply this promotion.
s_c__Membership_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Membership__c) No No
Members can us the promo code for this Promotion.
s_c__Pricebook_Id__c Lookup (Pricebook2) No No
Any product using the selected pricebook is included in this promotion.
s_c__Product_Id__c Lookup (Product2) No No
The specific product that this promotion can be used with. If a master product is selected, all its variants are also included in this promotion.
s_c__Promotion_Id__c MasterDetail (s_c__Promotion__c) No No
The Promotion that this scope applies to.
s_c__sC_Id__c Text [External ID] No Yes
StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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