s_c__Promotion__c Object Reference

Name s_c__Promotion__c
Type Custom StoreConnect Object
Description Promotions are codes that allow your shoppers to get a discount on their shopping cart. Unlike Discounts that are automatically applied, a promotion is only applied if the shopper enters an active promo code during the checkout process. Promotions can be filtered using Promotion Scopes against accounts, contacts, product categories, brands, products, memberships, or pricebooks to limit where they can be used.

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Advertise__c Checkbox(false) No No
[Future use] Flag that determines whether the promotion is included in the Advertised Promotions collection in liquid.
s_c__Campaign_Id__c Lookup (Campaign) No No
Setting this to a standard Salesforce Campaign record will save the contact that used the promotion into the specified Campaign.
s_c__Description__c TextArea No No
Internal description of this promotion.
s_c__Expires_At__c DateTime No No
The exact time after which this promotion will not be valid and not be able to be used. The time zone used is per the users time zone setting in Salesforce and the time is then converted and saved as the equivalent time in UTC. This means if you are setting a future date, be sure to take any time zone changes into account.
s_c__Path__c Text No No
[Future use] This is the path that is added to the store to show a special promotion page.
s_c__Promotion_Code__c Text Yes No
The promotion code that will be entered by the shopper during checkout in order to use this promotion.
s_c__Starts_At__c DateTime No No
The exact time before which this promotion will not be valid and not be able to be used. The time zone used is per the users time zone setting in Salesforce and the time is then converted and saved as the equivalent time in UTC. This means if you are setting a future date, be sure to take any time zone changes into account.
s_c__Store_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Store__c) Yes No
The store which this promotion is active on. A promotion can only be associated with one store.
s_c__Unique_Promotion_Code_Store__c Text [External ID] No Yes
Ensure each store can only have one promotion with the same code
s_c__Usage_Limit__c Number(18, 0) No No
How many times a promotion can be used during checkout. A null value allows this promotion to be used an unlimited number of times.
s_c__sC_Id__c Text [External ID] No Yes
StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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