s_c__Printable_Label__c Object Reference

Name s_c__Printable_Label__c
Type Custom StoreConnect Object
Description Printable Template represents a label template that can be printed by StoreConnect's Point-of-Sale system.

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Active__c Checkbox(true) No No
Defines whether this Template is available to use.
s_c__DPI__c Picklist No No
The resolution (in DPI) used when generating the Template for print.
s_c__Height__c Number(10, 6) No No
The height of the template. Units are set by Size_Unit__c.
s_c__Label_Template__c LongTextArea No No
The template in any format your printer understands. Supports liquid fields and variables. The result of this template after being processed for any liquid code, is what will be sent to the printer.
s_c__Printer_Type__c Picklist No No
The type of printer this template should be printed on
s_c__Size_Unit__c Picklist No No
The unit of measure of the height and width of this template.
s_c__Store_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Store__c) No No
The Store that this template is available in.
s_c__Type__c Picklist No No
The type of object this template will be used for.
s_c__Width__c Number(10, 6) No No
The width of this template.

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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