s_c__Media__c Object Reference

Name s_c__Media__c
Type Custom StoreConnect Object
Description The media object holds the meta data of all media (images, videos, URLs) you are using for your store across Products, Categories, Articles, Pages and Content Blocks.

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Alt_Text__c Text No No
The alternate text supplied for this media item, used by SEO to say what the media object is.
s_c__Description__c TextArea No No
Internal description of this media item. This is not displayed in the store.
s_c__Embed_Video_Url__c Text No No
[Deprecated] Use Url__c instead for populating video urls or use the video snippet in liquid.
s_c__File_Type__c Picklist Yes No
Type of the media being uploaded. It could be an image, video, document, file or a URL.
s_c__File__c TextArea No No
[Deprecated] See Url__c instead.
s_c__Identifier__c Text No Yes
The identifier is used for the front end of your store to identify this media object within the pages in special cases. This is automatically generated and changing this could have unintended consequences on your site.
s_c__Image_Preview__c Formula No No
Helper column to allow the image to be previewed in SF.
s_c__Import_Url__c Text No No
Allows media files to be uploaded directly from URL. Ensure that the URL is publicly accessible.
s_c__Key_Frame_Seconds__c Number(18, 0) No No
This determines what frame will be used as preview image given video url.
s_c__Large_Image__c URL No No
[Deprecated] Image sizes are automatically generated.
s_c__Medium_Image__c URL No No
[Deprecated] Image sizes are automatically generated.
s_c__Original_Image__c URL No No
[Deprecated] See Url__c instead.
s_c__Processed_At__c DateTime No No
[Deprecated] Internal use only.
s_c__Started_At__c DateTime No No
[Deprecated] Internal use only.
s_c__Thumbnail_Image__c URL No No
[Deprecated] Image sizes are automatically generated.
s_c__Url__c URL No No
URL of the media uploaded. This is autogenerated either from the Media Uploader or from the Import_Url__c.
s_c__sC_Id__c Text [External ID] No Yes
StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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