s_c__Form__c Object Reference

Name s_c__Form__c
Type Custom StoreConnect Object
Description Forms represent the type of arbitrary information to be collected from a customer.

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Conditions__c LongTextArea No No
The conditions under which the form should be shown.
s_c__Display_Mode__c Picklist No No
The display mode of the form.
s_c__Display_Name__c Text No No
The preferred form name to show on the form. If empty, Name will be shown instead.
s_c__Identifier__c Text No No
A globally unique identifier for this form.
s_c__Record_Type_Name__c Text No No
For internal use only.
s_c__Success_Markdown__c LongTextArea No No
The content to be presented to the customer when a CustomForm is submitted successfully.
s_c__Success_Page_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Page__c) No No
The page to be displayed when the CustomForm is submitted successfully.

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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