s_c__Discount_Credit__c Object Reference

Name s_c__Discount_Credit__c
Type Custom StoreConnect Object
Description A record of the discount actually applied at the time of the order, generally used for tracking and audit purposes. This record is autogenerated and ideally should not be manually updated.

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Calculation_Type__c Picklist Yes No
How the discount was applied: as a percentage, a dollar value, or a replacement price.
s_c__Credit_Value_Points__c Number(18, 0) No No
The calculated credit value in points applied to the order as a result of applying this discount. For the replacement points, the credit value is the product's original list points minus the discounted points.
s_c__Credit_Value__c Currency(18, 2) Yes No
The calculated credit value applied to the order as a result of applying this discount. For the replacement price, the credit value is the product's original list price minus the discounted price.
s_c__Discount_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Discount__c) No No
The Discount object that was applied to the related order.
s_c__Discounted_Points__c Number(18, 0) No No
The set amount in points applied if the Calculation_Type__c is set to Discounted Price.
s_c__Discounted_Price__c Currency(18, 2) No No
The set price applied if the Calculation_Type__c is set to Discounted Price.
s_c__Order_Id__c Lookup (Order) No No
The Order object that the discount was applied to.
s_c__Percent_Discount__c Percent(18, 2) No No
The percentage of discount applied if the Calculation_Type__c is set to Discount Percentage.
s_c__Qualifying_Quantity__c Number(18, 0) No No
[Future use] How many items did the user need to purchase of the scope before this discount was applied to all items in the scope.
s_c__Value_Discount_Points__c Number(18, 0) No No
The amount of discount in points applied if the Calculation_Type__c is set to Discount Amount.
s_c__Value_Discount__c Currency(18, 2) No No
The amount of discount applied if the Calculation_Type__c is set to Discount Amount.
s_c__sC_Id__c Text [External ID] No Yes
StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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