s_c__Change_Event__c Object Reference
Name | s_c__Change_Event__c |
Type | Custom StoreConnect Object |
Description |
Field Definitions
Field Name | Type | Required | Unique |
s_c__Changed_Fields__c | LongTextArea | No | No |
s_c__Event_Type__c | Text | Yes | No |
s_c__Message__c | LongTextArea | No | No |
s_c__Metadata__c | LongTextArea | No | No |
Intended to hold info about the change event such as pagination. | |||
s_c__Object_Name__c | Text | Yes | No |
s_c__Object_Previous_Timestamp__c | DateTime | No | No |
Previous timestamp of the requesting object. Used internally do not edit. | |||
s_c__Object_Sc_Id__c | Text | No | No |
s_c__Object_Sfid__c | Text | No | No |
s_c__Processed_At__c | DateTime | No | No |
s_c__Source__c | Text | Yes | No |
s_c__Status__c | Text | Yes | No |
s_c__sC_Id__c | Text [External ID] | No | Yes |
StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce |
For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.
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