s_c__Article__c Object Reference

Name s_c__Article__c
Type Custom StoreConnect Object
Description Articles are blog posts, press releases, and other complete items of content that are used on the website. These are different from Pages or Content blocks in that they have an Author and are designed to be used as individual, stand-alone posts

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Author__c Text No No
The author of this article, this text is shown on the website as the article author
s_c__Body_Markdown__c LongTextArea No No
The content of the article shown as the article body when displaying on the website
s_c__Hero_Image_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Media__c) No No
The main image used for the article at the top when viewing and used as the thumbnail of the article when previewing
s_c__Intro_Markdown__c LongTextArea No No
The introduction of the article, shown after the title and before the body_markdown__c field
s_c__Meta_Description__c LongTextArea No No
The content that appears within the meta description tag in the HEAD tag of the page
s_c__Meta_Keywords__c Text No No
The content that appears within the meta keywords tag in the HEAD tag of the page
s_c__Meta_Title__c Text No No
The content that appears within the meta title tag in the HEAD tag of the page
s_c__Path__c Text Yes No
The path at which this article can be found (unique per store)
s_c__Preview_On_Site__c Formula No No
A link to the Article on the webstore. Enables an easy way for users to navigate to the Article on the webstore from within Salesforce
s_c__Publish_On__c DateTime No No
The date and time at which this article will become visible on the website. Both this and Published__c must be set for the article to be available
s_c__Published__c Checkbox(false) No No
If true, allows the article to be seen on the website. If false, the article can only be seen via the Preview link. Published and Publish_On must both be set for the article to be available
s_c__Require_Login__c Checkbox(false) No No
Require users to be logged in order to access this article
s_c__Search_Keywords__c LongTextArea No No
Line-separated list of keywords to improve relevance in article search results.
s_c__Slug__c Text No Yes
A globally unique identifier for this article.
s_c__Social_Image_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Media__c) No No
The Image to show when the Article is shared on Social Media. If not provided, will use the Article's hero image.
s_c__Store_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Store__c) Yes No
The store which this article belongs to
s_c__Subtitle__c Text No No
The optional subtitle of the article, shown after the title and before the contents of the Intro_Markdown__c field
s_c__Summary_Markdown__c LongTextArea No No
The summary allows you to give a short description for the article to show when previewing the article. The title, hero image, and summary are used in the article index view.
s_c__Title__c Text Yes No
The title of the article
s_c__Unique_Store_Path__c Text [External ID] No Yes
Ensure a store can only have one article with the same path
s_c__sC_Id__c Text [External ID] No Yes
StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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