Pricebook2 Object Reference

Name Pricebook2
Type Standard Salesforce Object
Description StoreConnect uses the standard Salesforce Pricebook2 object

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Add_To_Cart_Text__c Text No No
Text to be displayed on Add to Cart buttons for Products. Can be overridden for individual Products with PriceBookEntry.s_c__Add_To_Cart_Text__c. If blank, the text 'Add to Cart' will be used.
s_c__Buy_It_Now_Text__c Text No No
Text to be displayed on Buy it Now buttons for Products. Can be overridden for individual Products with PriceBookEntry.s_c__Buy_It_Now_Text__c. If blank, the text 'Buy it Now' will be used.
s_c__Default_Earn_Rate__c Number(18, 4) No No
The default conversion rate for earning points from purchases. Used if product can earn points and the Pricebook Entry does not specify an earn points value.
s_c__Default_Purchase_Rate__c Number(18, 2) No No
The default conversion rate for when purchasing using points. This value is used if product is bought with points and the Pricebook Entry does not specify an purchase points value.
s_c__Hide_Price_Text__c Text No No
Text to be displayed in place of the price on Products where PriceBookEntry.s_c__Hide_Price__c is enabled. Can be overridden for individual Products with PriceBookEntry.s_c__Hide_Price_Text__c. If blank "POA" will be used.
s_c__Order_Quantity_Maximum__c Number(18, 0) No No
The maximum quantity of any individual Product which can be added to a single Order. Products that track inventory will use either this or the current stock availability as the limit (whichever is lower). Can be overridden for individual Products with PriceBookEntry.s_c__Order_Quantity_Maximum__c. If left blank then stock availability is used as the limit (or no limit if the Product is backorderable).
s_c__Out_Of_Stock_Text__c Text No No
Text to be displayed if the Product is out of stock (for Products that track stock). Can be overridden for individual Products with PriceBookEntry.s_c__Out_Of_Stock_Text__c. If blank 'Out of Stock' will be shown.
s_c__Unavailable_Text__c Text No No
Text to be displayed in place of the price when a Product is not available to purchase (e.g. is discontinued). If blank, "Unavailable" will be shown.
s_c__sC_Id__c Text [External ID] No Yes
StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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