OrderItem Object Reference

Name OrderItem
Type Standard Salesforce Object
Description StoreConnect uses the standard Salesforce OrderItem object

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Delivery_Day__c Picklist No No
The selected delivery day of the week for this Order Item.
s_c__Delivery_Start_Date__c Date No No
The selected delivery start date for this Order Item.
s_c__Delivery_Time__c Text No No
The selected delivery time slot for this Order Item.
s_c__Delivery_Window_Debug__c Text No No
Debugging information for the corresponding delivery window of this Order Item.
s_c__Delivery_Window_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Delivery_Window__c) No No
The selected Delivery Window for this Order Item.
s_c__Deposit_Amount__c Currency(18, 2) No No
The deposit charged during checkout (if any)
s_c__Deposit_Points__c Number(18, 0) No No
The deposit points amount charged during checkout (if any).
s_c__Earn_Points_Amount__c Number(18, 0) No No
The number of points earned per quantity with this Order Item.
s_c__Is_List_Price_Tax_Inclusive__c Checkbox No No
For System/Internal Use Only - sourced from associated Order.Store__c
s_c__Is_Restricted_Product__c Checkbox No No
For Internal system use
s_c__Order_Checkout_Step__c Formula No No
For System/Internal Use Only
s_c__Points_Amount__c Number(18, 0) No No
The number of points used per quantity for purchasing this Order Item.
s_c__Price_Manually_Updated__c Checkbox(false) No No
For System/Internal use only. Used in conjuntion with tax calculator and for product prices WITHOUT tax to avoid deducting the existing UnitPrice tax from the UnitPrice and simply amend the new calculated to the Unit Price. Via OrderItem trigger this is set to true if its a product price without tax and either UnitPrice or Quantity has changed. See OrderItemHelper.clearTaxAmount for further details.
s_c__Shipment_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Shipment__c) No No
This represents the `Shipment__c` that this order item is part of
s_c__Stock_Level_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Stock_Level__c) No No
This represents the `Stock_Level__c` that is linked to this OrderItem's product
s_c__Subscription_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Subscription__c) No No
If the Order was created by a Subscription, this will be the source Subscription for this OrderItem
s_c__Tax_Amount__c Currency(18, 2) No No
This is the Total Tax calculated for this Order Item. If no `Tax__c` is configured for the store's zone this value will be 0.
s_c__Tax__c Number(18, 2) No No
[Deprecated] Use Tax_Amount__c instead
s_c__Total_of_Discounts__c Currency(18, 2) No No
This is the Total Discount calculated for this Order Item. This value will be 0 if there is no discount present.
s_c__Transaction_Discount__c Number(18, 2) No No
The order-level discount that was applied to this OrderItem (if any).
s_c__Unit_Discount__c Number(18, 2) No No
The unit-level discount that was applied to this OrderItem (if any).
s_c__sC_Id__c Text [External ID] No Yes
StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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