Contact Object Reference

Name Contact
Type Standard Salesforce Object
Description StoreConnect uses the standard Salesforce Contact object

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique
s_c__Can_Purchase_For_Account__c Checkbox(false) No No
If enabled, this Contact will be able to use a 'Pay By Account' Payment_Provider__c (Requires this Contact's Account.Pay_By_Account__c to also be enabled). Contact's created during checkout will be disabled and will need to be updated manually.
s_c__Can_Use_Account_Credit__c Checkbox(false) No No
Determines whether the Contact is permitted to use any Account Credit for this Account
s_c__Can_Use_Account_Points__c Checkbox(false) No No
Determines whether the Contact is permitted to use any Account Points belonging to the related Account.
s_c__Can_Use_Account_Pricing__c Checkbox(false) No No
If enabled, this Contact is able to use its Account's Pricebook
s_c__Confirmation_URL__c Text No No
The URL that is emailed to this Contact for them to confirm their login on the store (if required).
s_c__First_Name__c Formula No No
Corresponds with standard field FirstName, primarily for use with VF email templates.
s_c__Invitation_URL__c Text No No
The URL that is emailed to this Contact for them to accept their invitation on the store (if required).
s_c__Last_Login_Date__c DateTime No No
The date/time this customer last logged in.
s_c__Reset_Password_URL__c Text No No
The URL that is emailed to this Contact for them to reset their password (if required)
s_c__Reset_Password__c Checkbox(false) No No
If enabled, a 'reset password' email will be sent using the link from Reset_Password_URL__c.
s_c__SSO_Provider__c Text No No
The name of the provider being used for Single Sign-On in the Store, if Single Sign-On is being used.
s_c__SSO_Uid__c Text No Yes
The unique ID of this Contact in the Single Sign-On Provider's system, if Single Sign-On is being used.
s_c__Send_Confirmation__c Checkbox(false) No No
If enabled, a 'confirm login' email will be sent using the link from Confirmation_URL__c.
s_c__Send_Invitation__c Checkbox(false) No No
If enabled, an invitation email will be sent using the link from Invitation_URL__c.
s_c__Store_Id__c Lookup (s_c__Store__c) No No
s_c__Terms_Accepted_On__c DateTime No No
The most recent date this Contact accepted the terms and conditions.
s_c__Username__c Text No No
The username this Contact uses to sign into the store, by default this is the email address.
s_c__sC_Id__c Text [External ID] No Yes
StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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