Collection_Point__c Object Reference

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique Description
Active__c Checkbox(true) No No If the collection point is active and click and collect is enabled in the store, it will be displayed as an option under its related stock location on the shipping screen of the checkout process
Description__c LongTextArea No No Further description of this collection point displayed to the customer under the display name, for example including the opening hours of the collection point so the customer knows
Display_Name__c Text No No The name of this collection point displayed to the customer if click and collect is enabled for this stock location, defaults to showing the name if this field is blank.
Geolocation__c Location(5) No No The geolocation of this collection point.
Lead_Time_Duration__c Number(6, 0) Yes No The minimum amount of time needed before the customer can collect their order, sets the lower limit on the collection time field during checkout. This can be in the format of “1 hour” or “90 minutes” or “2 days”. Set as “0” for no lead time.
Lead_Time_Units__c Picklist Yes No Lead_Time_Units__c provides the unit type that should be applied to Lead_Time_Duration__c in order to calculate the minimum time required from the order being placed by the customer to it being ready. The valid values for this are minutes, hours or days.
Phone__c Phone No No The phone number related to this collection point if any
Stock_Location_Id__c MasterDetail(Stock_Location__c) No No The Stock_Location__c which this collection point is located in.
Store_Id__c Lookup(Store__c) Yes No The Store that this Collection Point should be offered on
Zone_Id__c Lookup(Zone__c) No No The Zone that this Collection Point should be restricted to
sC_Id__c Text No Yes StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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