PickupOption - Liquid Object Reference - 1.0.0

Object Name PickupOption
Version 1.0.0


The PickupOption object contains information about a Click & Collect option.


Attribute Type Description
collection_points List[CollectionPoint] Returns the collection points for this Pickup option
data Object Returns a custom data object for this object
days_until_available Number Returns the number of days until this Pickup option is available
disabled? Boolean Returns whether this Pickup option is disabled
form_id String Returns input id used in form for radio button selection
form_value String Returns value used in form for radio button selection
immediately_available? Boolean Returns whether this Pickup option is immediately available
in_stock? Boolean Returns whether this Pickup option is in stock
require_stock_for_pickup? Boolean Returns whether stock is required for this Pickup option
stock_location StockLocation Returns the stock location for this Pickup option

Objects that return PickupOptions

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