Location - Liquid Object Reference - 1.0.0

Object Name Location
Version 1.0.0


The Location object contains information about physical location that can be found via a locator, eg Store locator.


Attribute Type Description
categories List[ProductCategory] Returns a list of product categories that this Location can handle
city String Returns the city to be displayed in the location search
country String Returns the country to be displayed in the location search
data Object Returns a custom data object for this object
distance_in_kilometers String Returns the distance from the search location in kilometers when the Location is a result of a location search
distance_in_miles String Returns the distance from the search location in miles when the Location is a result of a location search
email String Returns the email address to be displayed in the location search
id String Returns the unique id of this Location
identifier String Returns a unique identifier for this Location
info_content String Returns the value of the Info attribute as rich text
latitude Number Returns the latitude to be displayed in the location search
logo Image Returns the logo Image for this Location
longitude Number Returns the longitude to be displayed in the location search
meta_description String Returns the value of the Meta Description attribute
meta_keywords String Returns the value of the Meta Keywords attribute
meta_title String Returns the value of the Meta Title attribute
name String Returns the name to be displayed in the location search
path String Returns the url path for this Location
phone String Returns the phone number to be displayed in the location search
postal_code String Returns the postal code to be displayed in the location search
state String Returns the state to be displayed in the location search
street String Returns the street address to be displayed in the location search
url String Returns the complete url for this Location
website String Returns the website address to be displayed in the location search

Objects that return Locations

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