truncatewords - Liquid Filter Reference - 1.0.0

Filter Name truncatewords
Group Text
Version 1.0.0


Shortens a string down to the number of words passed as an argument. If the specified number of words is less than the number of words in the string, an ellipsis (…) is appended to the string.


{{ "Mary had a little lamb." | truncatewords: 3 }}
Mary had a...
truncatewords takes an optional second argument that specifies the sequence of characters to be appended to the truncated string. By default this is an ellipsis (…), but you can specify a different sequence:
{{ "Mary had a little lamb." | truncatewords: 3, "--" }}
Mary had a--
You can avoid showing trailing characters by passing a blank string as the second argument:
{{ "Mary had a little lamb." | truncatewords: 3, "" }}
Mary had a

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