Global - Liquid Object Reference - 0.11.4

Object Name Global
Version 0.11.4


Defines all the global variables that can be accessed in any liquid code


Attribute Type Description
all_article_categories PaginatedList[ArticleCategory] Returns a Lookup variable which can be used to find any ArticleCategory. Key field: path
all_articles PaginatedList[Article] Returns a Lookup variable which can be used to find any Article. Key field: path
all_content_blocks PaginatedList[ContentBlock] Returns a Lookup variable which can be used to find any ContentBlock. Key field: identifier
all_countries List[Country] Returns a list of Countries
all_media PaginatedList[Medium] Returns a Lookup variable which can be used to find any Medium. Key field: identifier
all_menus PaginatedList[Menu] Returns a Lookup variable which can be used to find any Menu. Key field: identifier
all_pages PaginatedList[Page] Returns a Lookup variable which can be used to find any Page. Key field: path
all_product_categories PaginatedList[ProductCategory] Returns a Lookup variable which can be used to find any Product Category. Key field: path
all_products PaginatedList[Product] Returns a Lookup variable which can be used to find any Product. Key field: slug
current_account Account Returns the Account for the logged in user if present
current_article Article Returns the Article if present. Will be empty unless the current page is an Article page
current_article_category ArticleCategory Returns the ArticleCategory if present. Will be empty unless the current page is an ArticleCategory page
current_cart Cart Returns the Cart if present. May be empty if no Cart has been created yet
current_customer Contact Returns the Contact for the logged in user if present
current_events List[CustomerEvent] Returns a list of CustomerEvents
current_flash Flash Returns a Flash object that contains any flash notifications
current_location Location Returns the Location if present. Will be empty unless the current page is a Location page
current_location_group LocationGroup Returns the LocationGroup if present. Will be empty unless the current page is a LocationGroup page
current_membership Membership Returns the Account for the logged in user if present
current_page Page Returns the Page if present. Will be empty unless the current page is a Page page
current_privacy Privacy Returns the Privacy Settings for the current session
current_product Product Returns the Product if present. Will be empty unless the current page is a Product page
current_product_category ProductCategory Returns the ProductCategory if present. Will be empty unless the current page is a ProductCategory page
current_request Request Returns a Request object with details about the current web request
current_search Search Returns the Search object
current_store Store Returns the Store
store_variables Variables Returns a Variables object with the store’s variables
theme_variables Variables Returns a Variables object with the theme’s variables

Objects that return Globals


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