ProductPricing - Liquid Object Reference - 0.11.2

Object Name ProductPricing
Version 0.11.2


The ProductPricing object contains information about a Product’s price.


Attribute Type Description
checkout_price Number Returns the amount required to be paid at the checkout for this Product
deposit_amount Number Returns the deposit amount, if a deposit is required
deposit_required? Boolean Indicates whether a deposit is required
has_price? Boolean Indicates that this Product has a price and can be sold
hide_price? Boolean Indicates whether this Product’s price should be hidden
hide_price_text String Returns the text to display instead of the price when the price should be hidden
on_sale? Boolean Indicates whether the Product is on sale
original_price Number Returns the original (non-sale) price for this Product
price Number Returns the current price for this Product
price_range List[Number] Returns a list of prices from lowest to highest for this Product’s variants
product Product Returns the Product that this pricing is for
sale_price Number Returns the current sale price of this Product


Some Products are Subscription Products, and as such have pricing attributes related to subscription pricing.

Attribute Type Description
fixed_term_subscription? Boolean Returns true if the Product price is a fixed term subscription price
subscription? Boolean Returns true if the Product price is a subscription price
subscription_term Number Returns the number of subscription_term_units that make up a single subscription period.

For example, if subscription_term is 6 and subscription_term_unit is month, then one subscription period is for 6 months.
subscription_term_count Number For fixed-term subscriptions, returns the number of full terms that the subscription will have.

For example, if the subscription term is 3 months, and subscription_term_count is 4, then the total length of the subscription is 12 months, but payments are made every 3 months.
subscription_term_unit String Returns the unit of measure that applies to the subscription_term. Eg, month, or week
subscription_total_price Number For fixed-term subscriptions, this is the total price that will be paid over the length of the subscription

Variable Pricing

Some Products are enabled for variable pricing, where the customer can select from a list of available prices, or even set their own. This is generally used where the Product is a donation.

Attribute Type Description
variable_pricing? Boolean Indicates whether this Product uses variable pricing
variable_pricing_amounts List[Number] Returns a list of prices that can be selected
variable_pricing_custom_allowed? Boolean Indicates whether custom amounts are allowed

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