Liquid How-To Global Tags

This article is intended for advanced users and our partners as it requires advanced web development or Salesforce admin or programming knowledge. While the functionality is part of StoreConnect, we do not provide end user assistance to implement it beyond our help documentation. If you need help or are unsure on how to do this, you can hire one of our StoreConnect partners.

The GlobalDrop makes its tags and collections available on every page within StoreConnect.

Using GlobalDrop Tags

The following tags are set on every page within StoreConnect. These tags either return a drop of the appropriate type, or nothing, so you can use them in liquid if statements in a straight forward manner, for example:

{% if customer %}
  <p>Hi {{ customer.firstname }}!</p>
{% endif %}

The following global tags are available:

Dynamic URLs

If you have multiple stores that each make use of the same code, you can use liquid for your domain name in URL links. This will create the URL link dynamically, based on the domain of the store the code is being used in:

href=“{{ current_store.domain }}
href=“{{ current_store.domain }}/slug”

Using the GlobalDrop Finders

The following finders are available on all StoreConnect pages. They either return a the product or nothing which means you can use liquid if statements easily, for example:

{% assign product = all_products["my_featured_product"] %}
{% if product %}
<p>Was {{ product.formatted_original_price }}, now {{ product.formatted_sale_price }}</p>
{% endif %}

The following global finders are available:


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