Dynamic Page Information Fields

This article is intended for advanced users and our partners as it requires advanced web development or Salesforce admin or programming knowledge. While the functionality is part of StoreConnect, we do not provide end user assistance to implement it beyond our help documentation. If you need help or are unsure on how to do this, you can hire one of our StoreConnect partners.

StoreConnect automatically sets several fields and meta data fields in the HEAD content of your web page depending on what is being viewed by the cusotmer at the time the page is loading.

When each page loads, StoreConnect automatically detects if you are viewing a Product, Product Category, Article, Page or nothing specifically. Depending on what is shown, the fields in the HEAD content of your site are set in priority of what the customer is viewing in the following order:

  1. Product Meta Data
  2. Product Category Meta Data
  3. Article Meta Data
  4. Page Meta Data
  5. Store Meta Data

So the Store data is only shown if there is no Product, Product Category, Article or Page present.

The generated fields looks something like this depending on the item being selected.

<link rel="canonical" href="https://store.example.com/full-canonical-path" />

<meta name="keywords" content="Meta Keywords Provided" />
<meta name="description" content="Full meta description" />
<meta property="og:url" content="https://store.example.com/full-canonical-path" />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Title" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Description" />
<meta property="og:image" content="https://res.cloudinary.com/abc123/image/upload/media/image.png" />
<meta property="og:price:amount" content="$123.00" />
<meta property="og:price:currency" content="USD" />

The following table shows which attributes set each field for each type of object.

Product Meta Data Fields StoreConnect Field
title tag The Product2.s_c__Meta_Title__c
link canonical tag The full canonical URL of the Product
meta keywords tag Product2.s_c__Meta_Keywords__c
meta description tag Product2.s_c__Meta_Description__c
meta og:url tag The full canonical URL of the Product
meta og:type tag “website”
meta og:title tag Product2.s_c__Display_Name__c
meta og:description tag Product2.s_c__Meta_Description__c
meta og:image tag The full URL of the first Product2 media item
meta og:price:amount tag The Product2 price (either full price or sale price as appropriate)
meta og:price:currency tag s_c__Store__c.CurrencyIso field if present or the s_c__Store__c.s_c__Currency__c field
Product Category Meta Data Fields StoreConnect Field
title tag The s_c__Product_Category__c.s_c__Meta_Title__c
link canonical tag The full canonical URL of the Product Category including any search terms to get to this page
meta keywords tag s_c__Product_Category__c.s_c__Meta_Keywords__c
meta description tag s_c__Product_Category__c.s_c__Meta_Description__c
meta og:url tag The full canonical URL of the Product Category
meta og:type tag “website”
meta og:title tag s_c__Product_Category__c.s_c__Display_Name__c
meta og:description tag s_c__Product_Category__c.s_c__Meta_Description__c
meta og:image tag The full URL of the first s_c__Product_Category__c media item
meta og:price:amount tag (not included)
meta og:price:currency tag (not included)
Article Meta Data Fields StoreConnect Field
title tag The s_c__Article__c.s_c__Meta_Title__c
link canonical tag The full canonical URL of the Article
meta keywords tag s_c__Article__c.s_c__Meta_Keywords__c
meta description tag s_c__Article__c.s_c__Meta_Description__c
meta og:url tag The full canonical URL of the Article
meta og:type tag “article”
meta og:title tag s_c__Article__c.s_c__Title__c or if blank, the s_c__Article__c.s_c__Meta_Title__c field
meta og:description tag s_c__Article__c.s_c__Meta_Description__c
meta og:image tag The full URL of the s_c__Article__c hero image
meta og:price:amount tag (not included)
meta og:price:currency tag (not included)
Page Meta Data Fields StoreConnect Field
title tag The s_c__Page__c.s_c__Meta_Title__c
link canonical tag The full canonical URL of the Page
meta keywords tag s_c__Page__c.s_c__Meta_Keywords__c
meta description tag s_c__Page__c.s_c__Meta_Description__c
meta og:url tag The full canonical URL of the Page
meta og:type tag “page”
meta og:title tag s_c__Page__c.s_c__Title__c or if blank, the s_c__Page__c.s_c__Meta_Title__c field
meta og:description tag s_c__Page__c.s_c__Meta_Description__c
meta og:image tag (not included)
meta og:price:amount tag (not included)
meta og:price:currency tag (not included)
Store Meta Data Fields StoreConnect Field
title tag The s_c__Store__c.s_c__Meta_Title__c
link canonical tag The full canonical URL of the Store
meta keywords tag s_c__Store__c.s_c__Meta_Keywords__c
meta description tag s_c__Store__c.s_c__Meta_Description__c
meta og:url tag The full canonical URL of the Store
meta og:type tag “website”
meta og:title tag s_c__Store__c.s_c__Meta_Title__c
meta og:description tag s_c__Store__c.s_c__Meta_Description__c
meta og:image tag The full URL of the s_c__Store__c logo image
meta og:price:amount tag (not included)
meta og:price:currency tag (not included)




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