Setting up Order Paths

This article is intended for advanced users and our partners as it requires advanced web development or Salesforce admin or programming knowledge. While the functionality is part of StoreConnect, we do not provide end user assistance to implement it beyond our help documentation. If you need help or are unsure on how to do this, you can hire one of our StoreConnect partners.

The first step is to set up to setup your Order Status Picklist

Order Object Status Picklist

To get the Order Path to show multiple choices, you need to add entries to the Order Status picklist.

To add or change statuses, go to Settings > Object Manager > Order > Fields & Relationships
Select and open the Status field

Order Status Picklist Values By default Salesforce give you two statuses

  1. Draft (Draft API Name must not be changed as it is used by StoreConnect)
  2. Activated

TIP: StoreConnect requires that one of your order statuses has the API name and Category Type of Draft. You can set up the rest of the Order Statuses of your own preference, as long as the API entries match along the different fields required.

Here is an example of some statuses you may want to configure. You should use order statuses that suit your business.

Values API Name Status Category
Draft Draft Draft
Backorder Backorder Draft
Verified Verified Activated
Picked Picked Activated
Shipped Shipped Activated
Fulfilled Fulfilled Activated
Cancelled Cancelled Draft

How Order Statuses Appear on the Store

When viewing your order history in the store, you will see the order statuses show up as their API Name but in lower case. You can use translations to alter these to be labeled anything you choose in place of the defaults.

You will need a translation key for each status you wish to override. The key for each status will be (in lower case):

accounts.orders.shared.status.enum.{api name}

An example of how you may use this is:

Translation Key Value
accounts.orders.shared.status.enum.draft Processing
accounts.orders.shared.status.enum.backorder On Backorder
accounts.orders.shared.status.enum.verified Packing
accounts.orders.shared.status.enum.picked Packing
accounts.orders.shared.status.enum.shipped Shipped

See the Theme Builder article on Locales for help on adding translations.

Translated Order Statuses

Once you have set up your Order Statuses you can then configure your - Stock Levels - Custom Metadata and Transactional Emails


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