Menu_Item__c Object Reference

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Required Unique Description
Article_Category_Id__c Lookup(Article_Category__c) No No The article category that will be linked to this menu item. If an Article Category is specified, the link and name of the article category will be automatically included. Additionally, if the “Child Category Levels” field is set to a number greater than 0, it will include all non hidden children of the Article Category automatically to the number of levels requested.
Article_Id__c Lookup(Article__c) No No The article that will be linked to this menu item. If an Article is specified, the link and name of the article will be automatically included.
Child_Category_Levels__c Number(18, 0) No No How many levels of the Product Category or Article Category tree should we show automatically under this menu item, default is set to 0 which shows no child categories. Must be a positive number.
Display_Name__c Text No No An override to the name of this menu item point displayed on the website. If this is blank, the menu item will show the display name field of the associated object.
Hide__c Checkbox(false) No No If set to true, this menu item will be hidden and not show up in the menu. Can be used to disable a specific menu item temporarily instead of deleting it.
Identifier__c Text Yes No  
Image_Id__c Lookup(Media__c) No No The image that will be displayed within the menu item.
Menu_Id__c Lookup(Menu__c) Yes No The Menu that this Menu Item belongs to.
Page_Id__c Lookup(Page__c) No No The page that will be linked to this menu item, the link and name of the page will be automatically included.
Parent_Id__c Lookup(Menu_Item__c) No No The parent menu item that this menu item belongs to. If no parent then it will show at the “top level” of the menu.
Position__c Number(18, 0) No No The position of this menu item within it’s parent or on the top row if no parent menu present. Lower numbers are shown first, menu items without a number are sorted alphabetically by name.
Product_Category_Id__c Lookup(Product_Category__c) No No The product category that will be linked to this menu item. If a product category is specified, the link and name of the product category will be automatically included. Additionally, if the “Child Category Levels” field is set to a number greater than 0, it will include all non hidden children of the Product Category automatically to the number of levels requested.
Product_Id__c Lookup(Product2) No No The product that will be linked to this menu item, the link and name of the product will be automatically included.
Show_Image__c Checkbox(false) No No If set to true, this menu item will also include the first image of the associated object when rendering if it exists, or display the image associated on this Menu Item. Displaying this correctly can then be controlled via CSS.
Style_Class_Names__c Text No No CSS style class names that will be added to this menu item when it is rendered. Separate the class names with a space.
URL__c URL No No  
Unique_Store_Identifier__c Text No Yes Ensure a store can only have one menu item with the same identifier
sC_Id__c Text No Yes StoreConnect External ID, do not modify in Salesforce

For more information about how or when to use the above, see our documentation.


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